Travelling to Sardinia for 2020 – What do I need to do?

The Covid-19 lockdown in Italy is almost coming to an end, and the country is cautiously reopening to the world.

Now, it’s no secret that a large part of what keeps the economy going in Sardinia is tourism. So, if you find yourself reading this, it’s probably because you’re thinking of travelling to Sardinia this summer.

If you’re not sure, here are 5 reasons why you should!

Countryside of Santa Maria La Palma, Alghero

So, what do you need to do in order to travel here this summer?

Well, first off, we first need to look into where you’re coming from…

At the moment, the date that you can officially travel to Sardinia depends highly on where you’re coming from.

To try to make this a little clearer, here’s a timeline of the gradual reopening of Sardinia…

June 5th 2020

With the national decree from the Italian Minister of Transport, travel to Sardinia was officially allowed for passengers coming from other Italian regions.

Only national flights and ferries allowed.

June 25th, 2020

From June 25th you can travel from member states of the European Union, countries in the Schengen Area, the United Kingdom, Andorra, Monaco, the Republic of San Marino, and the Vatican City State.

This means that flights and ferries arriving internationally from the areas above are allowed to enter and depart Sardinia.

July 1st 2020

This day marks the official ending of the Italian lockdown.  From Wednesday the 1st of July, you can officially enter Italy from all international destinations.

This means that all flights and ferry connections from outside the EU, and the other states listed above, will officially begin again.

Do I need to do anything before travelling to Sardinia?

Yes, there are a few little things that you need to do before you travel to Sardinia this year.

This process is the same for everyone travelling to Sardinia, either from other Italian regions, or internationally.

The Sardinian Region’s guidelines for visiting the island

Register Online

First off, and most importantly, you need to make sure that you have registered all of the details of your trip with the Sardinian regional government on their website

It’s best if you do this well in advance.

Here’s a direct link to the registration form in English.

The form is also available in:




And of course Italian

Each adult needs to make a separate declaration, but children can be listed as dependants on the same form as one parent.

You’ll also find the full registration process through the Region’s app Sardegna Sicura, available on Android and iPhone.

After Registration

Once you’ve registered all of the details of your trip, you should receive a confirmation ID, and a link to a ‘Health Status’ form to complete.

The regional government recommends completing this form at least 48 hours before your planned trip.

Once completed and submitted, you’ll then receive an email from Beni Benius in Sardinia with a corresponding QR code make sure to check your spam or junk mail folder.

Just in case you’re curious, Beni Benius is Sardinian for ‘Welcome’!

Make sure to hold onto the QR code, as you’ll need to show it to authorities when you arrive to Sardinia.

Temperature Check

The last step before your trip is to submit to a temperature check.

According to the Sardinian regional government, “If your temperature is equal to or higher than 37.5 degrees you cannot board.”

This of course is measured in degrees Celsius – for any Americans reading, this is 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

If you have a temperature higher than this limit, you won’t be allowed to enter Sardinia. No exceptions.

During your stay in Sardinia

When you finally arrive to Sardinia just remember to respect the Covid-19 precautions.

Although contagion rates are way down compared to what they may have been a few months ago, the virus hasn’t gone away. Sardinians are still taking the measures seriously, so take a few facemasks with you to last your entire trip.

Even if you don’t wear facemasks in your country, you will not be allowed in any enclosed public area in Sardinia without one.

This means you won’t have access to bars, restaurants, supermarkets, pharmacies, hotel receptions, car rental desks, etc.

Poetto Beach, Cagliari

Now as long as you follow the above tips, I’m sure you’ll have a great time in Sardinia. The island really is a paradise…

If this is going to be your first time travelling here, check out Viva La Dolce Vita’s ‘Beginner’s Guide to Sardinia’!

Also, be sure to follow Viva La Dolce Vita on Instagram here, or Facebook here, for daily pictures, and weekly posts about Sardinia!

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